Learning never stops.

As we desire our children
to grow in wisdom and 
godliness ... so must we!

An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. -Proverbs 18:15

Join us.

Through this online course platform, lovingly referred to as Gentle + Classical Mom Academy, you'll find a variety of free and paid resources. Our mission remains the same as it's been since our inception:
To empower, encourage, and equip homeschool parents while cultivating wisdom, virtue, and curiosity in students. This new course platform is an extension of the  first and second arms of that statement: empower and encourage. 


Through free teacher's guides and free courses, we purpose to empower parents with all of the skill, knowledge, and confidence they need to home educate with confidence and passion.


Through these same means, our heart is to encourage you that if God called you to this, He will see you through this. He didn't invite you to do this counter-cultural thing then abandon you to your own devices. You have community here!


Through these courses, free teacher's guides, and paid materials, we hope to move this foundation of philosophy into action so that you can disciple, teach, and lead your children with excellence and faithfulness. 

Gentle + Classical

How does all of this work?
Write your awesome label here.

Private Learning

Most courses offered in this portal are self-paced. Learn at your own speed. Stop when you want. 

Group Connection

In addition to the courses supplied here, be sure to visit our off-social community for encouragement and support.


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